This email subscription widget is pretty beautiful and is Highly customized by Css which make it elegant and cool.You can add this widget any where in your blogger blog or Wordpress blog.Bu the recommended option would be to choose the below post area as that is where visitors click are concentrated.
Live demo-Subscribe Us widget for blogger
How to add subscribe us widget below post blogger?
Find the below code on your blogger template]]></b:skin>
Add this Css before the searched code
h4{font-size:24px;border-bottom:1px solid #746E6E;padding:10px;letter-spacing:2px}#emailsub input[type="email"],.sl_in_mail{margin-right:-6px;padding:16px
0 16px 40px;width:50%;border:none}#emailsub
90px}#emailsub input[type=submit]{border-radius:0;box-shadow:none;padding:18px
24px 16px;letter-spacing:2px;border:none;background:#E06;cursor:pointer;color:#FFF}#emailsub
0 25px}#emailsub.efooter{background:none}#emailsub.efooter
form{text-align:left;padding:0}#emailsub.efooter input[type="submit"],#emailsub.efooter input[type="email"],.wg_in_mail{padding:10px;letter-spacing:0px}#emailsub.efooter.sidebar{background:#3C3C33;padding:20px}#emailsub.efooter.sidebar
Now we have completed adding we need to postion thi swidget acording to our needs.You can add this email subscribtion widget any where but here we will be adding at the bottom of the page.Hence we need to look for the footer code of the template
Find the below code [You can press CTRL+F]
<div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'>
Immediately after the code add the below code
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
<div id='emailsub'><form action='' method='post' onsubmit=''', 'popupwindow', 'scrollbars=yes,width=550,height=520');return true' target='popupwindow'><h4>Email Newsletter</h4><div class='counter'><b>Join with 549 Subscribers ! </b> Get Our Latest Articles Delivered to Your email Inbox and <b>Get Giveaways, Tips to Become a GEEK!</b></div><input class='sl_in_mail' name='email' placeholder='Enter Your Email Address' type='email'/><input name='uri' type='hidden' value='ngocop'/><input name='loc' type='hidden' value='en_US'/><input type='submit' value='SUBSCRIBE'/><p/><p/><p><small>When signing up you will initially receive a confirmation email requiring your approval to complete the Subscribtion.</small></p></form></div></b:if>
- The text in red color can be replaced by your feed burner id.