FotoMorph 13.7.1 Full Version FREE - FotoMorph merupakan aplikasi yang menawarkan proses langkah-demi-langkah mudah untuk membuat animasi gambar secara profesional. Yang harus Anda lakukan adalah masukkan semua gambar, sejajarkan, dan atur titik referensi kemudian ekspor animasi untuk Flash, AVI, atau GIF.
- Import image format; BMP, JPEG, PNG, TIFF, GIF
- Export image format; BMP, JPEG, PNG, GIF
- Export current animation frame to image file
- Export animation to image sequence files
- Animated GIF, Flash movie and Web page
- Export animation to AVI movie
- Export animation to Screensaver and Standalone EXE
- OpenGL hardware acceleration
- Play animation in real time with playing controls
- Morphing sequence
- Warping sequence
- Zoom/pan sequence
- Create animations consisting of more than one sequence
- Image Deformation feature
- Create scrolling and fading text for each sequence
- Create scrolling and fading text for whole animation
- Create movie add-on effects such as masked background image
- Create movie add-on effects such as different animation frames
- Print current animation frame; WYSIWYG print preview
- Customizable skin user interface